
Archive for March, 2010

Seamless integration of external photo gallery

12/03/2010 Leave a comment

In this post I will give one way, or my take on how-to integrate an external photo gallery seamless in to your website. Some of the advantage in doing this is you save room/space on your local webhost, and the load on the serve if you have large photo/images since these are not load in another thread on an external server. Off course there are disadvantage as well the gallery provide have to be online for this to work, and you have to maintain gallery content and web content on two different websites. On the other hand you if you choose one of the large providers flickr or picasa, you get some great photo gallery functionality tagging of images and galleries and more.

So i don’t what to build the new Picasa or a like, so i will only provide functionality for showing frontend relevant images and associated information. In near future there will be a post on how-to use this post to integrate into Umbraco.

For this post i have chosen to integrate up against Google’s Picasa so to start with you can go and download the google-gdata API you can get it here

The documentation i used to for making this post and code can be found here
The main idea for making this seamless is it could be easy to switch gallery provider from picasa to whatever your favorite web-photo gallery you use. Off course the difficulties you meet depend on how well an interface the provider gives you, you could end up in some tricky situations.
Okay let’s get started. First of I’ve created the interfaces I’ve so necessary for making a good web gallery. You are more than welcome to give feedback if you think something are missing on one these.

There exist three parts. A gallery which consists of one or more photo albums. Next there off course a photo album which contain some album information and one or more Images. Last off is the image it self. So here are the three interfaces.

public interface IGallery
String Name { get; }
String Description { get; }
int NumberOfAlbums { get; }
IEnumerable Albums{get;}
IGalleryAlbum GetAlbumFromId(string id);

public interface IGalleryAlbum
String Id { get; }
String Name{ get; }
String Description { get; }
String Category { get; }
IGalleryImage AlbumCoverImage { get; }
uint NumberOfImages { get; }
IEnumerable Images { get; }
public interface IGalleryImage
String Name { get; }
String Url { get; }
String Description { get; }
String ThumbnailUrl { get; }
Dictionary ExifData { get; }

Again you are more than welcome to give feedback if you think something is missing, keep in mind this is what I think is one a good and simple image gallery should be able to provide of information.
So now we have the interfaces in place lets go ahead an implement them using the Picasa API.
This is a pretty simple task if keep a window open with the documentation here is another link to the documentation
All I’ve used is the simple example provide at the documentation page.
First of the gallery implementation this is simple.

namespace PicasaGalleryModel
public class PicasaGallery : IGallery
private PicasaService _service;
private PicasaFeed _feed;

private const string PICASA_SERVICE_NAME = "PicasaIGalleryModel";

public PicasaGallery(string username)
Username = username;

public string Name
return Feed.Title.Text;

public string Description
get { return ""; }

public int NumberOfAlbums
get { return Albums.Count(); }

public IEnumerable Albums
return InitializeGalleryAlbumFromPicasaFeed();

public IGalleryAlbum GetAlbumFromId(string id)
return Albums.Where(g => g.Id == id).First();

private PicasaFeed Feed
if (_feed == null)
_feed = RetrieveUserAlbumsFromPicasa();
return _feed;

private PicasaFeed RetrieveUserAlbumsFromPicasa()
AlbumQuery query = new AlbumQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri(Username));
PicasaFeed feed = Service.Query(query);
return feed;

private IEnumerable InitializeGalleryAlbumFromPicasaFeed()
foreach (PicasaEntry entry in Feed.Entries)
IGalleryAlbum album = new PicasaAlbum(entry,Service,Username);
yield return album;


private PicasaService Service
if(_service == null)
_service = new PicasaService(PICASA_SERVICE_NAME);
return _service;

private void Logon()

protected string Password

protected string Username
get; set ;

DO note that the username is the logon name you use to logon to picasa.
The implementation have some unused and unfinished function, when I first the idea to this post it started as huge project where I wanted security from picasa as well to be covered, in this implementation.
Wow this class uses the IGalleryAlbum so let’s move on to the implantation of this.

namespace PicasaGalleryModel
public class PicasaAlbum : IGalleryAlbum
private PicasaEntry _albumFeed;
private PicasaFeed _imageFeed;
private AlbumAccessor _ac;

public PicasaAlbum(PicasaEntry feed,PicasaService service,string username)
AlbumFeed = feed;
Service = service;
Username = username;

public string Name
get { return AlbumAccessor.AlbumTitle; }

public string Description
get { return AlbumAccessor.AlbumSummary; }

public string Category
get { return "CAT-SET_STATIC"; }

public IGalleryImage AlbumCoverImage
PhotoQuery query = PhotoQueryFromUri(AlbumFeed.Id.AbsoluteUri);
return BuildIGalleryImageFromPicasa(Service.Query(query)).First();

private AlbumAccessor AlbumAccessor
if (_ac == null)
_ac = new AlbumAccessor(AlbumFeed);
return _ac;

public uint NumberOfImages

return AlbumAccessor.NumPhotos;

public IEnumerable Images
return BuildIGalleryImageFromPicasa(ImageFeed);

private IEnumerable BuildIGalleryImageFromPicasa(PicasaFeed feed)
foreach (PicasaEntry entry in feed.Entries)
IGalleryImage image = new PicasaImage(entry);
yield return image;

public PicasaEntry AlbumFeed
get { return _albumFeed; }
set { _albumFeed = value; }

public PicasaFeed ImageFeed
if(_imageFeed == null)

_imageFeed = Service.Query(PhotoQueryFromUri(PicasaImageUri()));
return _imageFeed;

private string PicasaImageUri()
return PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri(Username, Id);;

private PhotoQuery PhotoQueryFromUri(string uri)
return new PhotoQuery(uri);

private PicasaService Service
get; set;

public String Id
return AlbumAccessor.Id;

private string Username

And now to the final part the Image implementation

namespace PicasaGalleryModel
public class PicasaImage : IGalleryImage

private PhotoAccessor _photoAccessor;

private Dictionary _exifData;

public PicasaImage(PicasaEntry entry)
Entry = entry;

private PicasaEntry Entry

public string Name
return PhotoAccessor.PhotoTitle;

public string Url
return Entry.Media.Content.Attributes["url"].ToString();

public string Description
get { return PhotoAccessor.PhotoSummary; }

public string ThumbnailUrl
return Entry.Media.Thumbnails[0].Attributes["url"].ToString();

public Dictionary ExifData
if (_exifData == null)
return _exifData;

private void InitializeExifDataToDictionary()
_exifData = new Dictionary();
_exifData.Add("Camera model", Entry.Exif.Model.Value);
_exifData.Add("ISO", Entry.Exif.ISO.Value);
_exifData.Add("Focal Length", Entry.Exif.FocalLength.Value);
//_exifData.Add("Exposure", Entry.Exif.Exposure.Value);
_exifData.Add("F Stop", Entry.Exif.FStop.Value);
_exifData.Add("Flash", Entry.Exif.Flash.Value);

public PhotoAccessor PhotoAccessor
if(_photoAccessor == null)
_photoAccessor = new PhotoAccessor(Entry);
return _photoAccessor;


Now with the model in place we can start to render out the IGallery* stuff.
This is made so it should be easy to integrate into Umbraco hence the MasterPage file.
The frontend stuff consist of the main gallery which loads in two different controls depending on you are viewing a list of albums or a list images in an album. The styling is left for you do, since this is dependent on your website design. If you like a can In a later post do this.
The main gallery

The .ascx page

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Gallery.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Presentation._Default" %>
 <%@ Import Namespace="Interfaces" %>

<asp:Content ID="head" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" Runat="Server">
 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.lightbox-0.5.min.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/InitLightbox.js"></script>
 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/CSS/jquery.lightbox-0.5.css" media="screen" />

 <asp:Content ID="GalleryContent" ContentPlaceHolderID="GalleryContent" Runat="Server">


My Gallery Test

<asp:PlaceHolder ID="galleryContent" runat="server" />


and the codepage

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
private IGallery _gallery;
public const string ALBUMID = "aid";

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void SetGalleryContent()
Control view;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(AlbumId))
view = LoadGalleryView;
view = LoadAlbumView;

private IEnumerable GalleryAlbums
return Gallery.Albums;

private Control LoadGalleryView
Control viewControl = LoadControl("~/GalleryView.ascx");
GalleryView gallery = (GalleryView)viewControl;
gallery.AlbumQueryString = ALBUMID;
gallery.GalleryAlbums = GalleryAlbums;
return viewControl;

private Control LoadAlbumView
Control viewControl = LoadControl("~/AlbumView.ascx");
AlbumView gallery = (AlbumView)viewControl;
gallery.Images = CurrentAlbum.Images ;
return viewControl;

private IGalleryAlbum CurrentAlbum
return Gallery.GetAlbumFromId(AlbumId);
private string AlbumId
return Request.QueryString[ALBUMID];

private IGallery Gallery
if(_gallery == null)
_gallery = new PicasaGallery("USERNAME_GOES_HERE");
return _gallery;

The List view of albums Ascx page

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="GalleryView.ascx.cs" Inherits="Presentation.GalleryView" %>
 <%@ Import Namespace="Interfaces"%>

<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="AlbumeRepeater" DataSource="<%# GalleryAlbums %>">
 <a href="<%# AlbumLink(((IGalleryAlbum)Container.DataItem).Id) %>" >
 <img src="<%# ((IGalleryAlbum)Container.DataItem).AlbumCoverImage.ThumbnailUrl %>" alt="" />
 <a href="<%# AlbumLink(((IGalleryAlbum)Container.DataItem).Id) %>" >
 <%# ((IGalleryAlbum)Container.DataItem).Name %>
 <%# ((IGalleryAlbum)Container.DataItem).NumberOfImages %>
 <%# ((IGalleryAlbum)Container.DataItem).Description%>



public partial class GalleryView : System.Web.UI.UserControl
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

public string AlbumLink(string albumId)
string url = String.Format("{0}{1}={2}", Request.RawUrl, AlbumQueryString, albumId);
return url;

public string AlbumQueryString
get; set;

public IEnumerable GalleryAlbums


And finally the list view of images in an album
Ascx page

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="AlbumView.ascx.cs" Inherits="Presentation.AlbumView" %>
 <%@ Import Namespace="Interfaces"%>
 <asp:Repeater ID="ImageRepeater" runat="server" DataSource="<%#Images %>">
 <ul id="Gallery">
 <a href="<%# ((IGalleryImage)Container.DataItem).Url %>" class="lightbox" title="<%# ExifData((IGalleryImage)Container.DataItem)%>"><img src="<%# ((IGalleryImage)Container.DataItem).ThumbnailUrl %>" /></a>



public partial class AlbumView : System.Web.UI.UserControl
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

public string ExifData(IGalleryImage image)
string exifData = "";
foreach(string key in image.ExifData.Keys)
exifData += string.Format("{0} : {1}<br>
", key, image.ExifData[key]);
return exifData;

public IEnumerable Images

The final part is using the jquery lightbox again you could switch this to you own favorite gallery viewing service the lightbox for jquery can be found here. I’ve extend this a bit so you can provide a max image height and max image width, both are found in the solution for this project.
And a service for my loyal readers, you can now download the entire solution which contains all the above models implementations, and all the other good stuff I’ve covered in this post.  And now you can head over and see when this is integrated into umbraco, i’ve done this for my site here is a like to my gallery

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