
Archive for the ‘Sitecore 9’ Category

Sitecore 9.1 IdentityServer On-Premise AD via ADFS

15/05/2019 90 comments

Which the launch of Sitecore 9.1 came the introduction of the identity server to Sitecore list roles. You can find a lot more information about the Identity Server here Personally I think this I is great enhancement and add are more easy extendable way of enabling 3 party  authentication providers to Sitecore. As standard the Identity server runs on Sitecore  HOST And ships with the possibility to use Azure AD and the Identiytserver.Contrib.Membership module  allowing for cloud AD and the old DB style of authenticating in Sitecore. This also means the the old Sitecore AD module is now deprecated and no longer supported. So in this blog post I will show how to integrated a On Premise Ad with  Sitecore Idenityserver hosted on Sitecore Host.

First you need a AD of course and then you need ADFS server to act as a authentication provide to the Identityserver. This however is a little out of scope for this post. But here is two great links on how to configure and forward AD groups as roles

Before we get to code you need to know about this nuget feed related to Sitcore Identity

Since this feed contains some of packages needed. So this project or solution rather is to use OpenId Connect against the with the ADFS server

The solution consist of three class’ i will briefly show them here below

The App Settings classe seen below for retrieving the Setting for the Provider

public class AppSettings
public static readonly string SectionName = "Sitecore:ExternalIdentityProviders:IdentityProviders:ADFS";
public ADFSIdentityProvider ADFSIdentityProvider { get; set; } = new ADFSIdentityProvider();

The ADFSIdentityProvider which allows for a type strong way of accessing settings related to the module.

public class ADFSIdentityProvider
public bool Enabled { get; set; }
public string Authority { get; set; }
public string ClientId { get; set; }
public string AuthenticationScheme { get; set; }
public string MetadataAddress { get; set; }
public string DisplayName { get; set; }

And the CongifugreSitecore class which handles the communication with ADFS server

using System;
using System.Security.Claims;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens;
using Sitecore.Framework.Runtime.Configuration;

namespace Sitecore.IdentityServer.ADFS
public class ConfigureSitecore
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly AppSettings _appSettings;

public ConfigureSitecore(ISitecoreConfiguration scConfig, ILogger logger)

this._logger = logger;
this._appSettings = new AppSettings();

public object IdentityServerConstants { get; private set; }

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
ADFSIdentityProvider adfsProvider = this._appSettings.ADFSIdentityProvider;
if (!adfsProvider.Enabled)
_logger.LogDebug($"Adding ADFS clientId {adfsProvider.ClientId} Authority {adfsProvider.Authority} Scheme {adfsProvider.AuthenticationScheme}");
new AuthenticationBuilder(services).AddOpenIdConnect(adfsProvider.AuthenticationScheme, adfsProvider.DisplayName, (Action)(options =>

options.SignInScheme = "idsrv.external";
options.SignOutScheme = "idsrv";
options.RequireHttpsMetadata = false;
options.SaveTokens = true;
options.Authority = adfsProvider.Authority;
options.ClientId = adfsProvider.ClientId;
options.ResponseType = "id_token";
options.MetadataAddress = adfsProvider.MetadataAddress;
options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
NameClaimType = "name",
RoleClaimType = "roles"

//Added to enable DEBUG to see all claims
//Can be removed in production
options.Events = new OpenIdConnectEvents()
OnTokenValidated = (context) =>
//This identity include all claims
ClaimsIdentity identity = context.Principal.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;
//ADD break POINT to see all the claims,
return Task.FromResult(0);


With the solution build you can deploy this to your Identity Server in sitecoreruntime folder in a production folder. The installationor placement of files should look like below.


The Sitecore Plugin manifest should point to your assembly name  an example given below.


And for the configuration files placed in Config folder is here an examplereplace clientid and autherityaddress and metaaddress with your own values


with that in place you can go ahead and restart the application pool for the identityserver to load in the configurations and you should see the AD login button.


clicking on the button should take you t your ADFS server for authentication, after taht you should be redirect to Sitecore.

Mapping of claims to roles works the same as with Sitecore Azure Ad implementation.

You can find the code for this on github


Sitecore installation Framework (SIF) custom install path.

08/02/2019 3 comments

This is a very short post, and properly there exist different ways to achieve the same thing, but this is my take on installing Sitecore 9 in custom path.

As default when downloading the on prem package for Sitecore 9, the installation will install in “C:\inetpub\wwwroot”.

One way of installing all the different sites for a XP installation (cm/cd, XConnect, Identityserver) would be to change the “Site.PhysicalPath” in each *.json file for each role. But foreach installation you would make in the future you would have to edit all the files and change them accordingly.

So instead you could add a new parameter to *.ps1 file used to kick off the installation. But it near the top along side the other parameters needed by the installation framework


Next added it as parameter to the list for SIF parameters


No we have the parameters in place next we need to add updated “Site.PhysicalPath” in each *.json file but we only have to do this once. Changing the line

“Site.PhysicalPath”: “[joinpath(environment(‘SystemDrive’), ‘inetpub’, ‘wwwroot’, parameter(‘SiteName’))]”,

“Site.PhysicalPath”: “[concat(parameter(‘InstallDir’), parameter(‘SiteName’))]”,

Last thing needed to do is to update the installation json fil. this would be the topologyenv.json fx. XP0-SingleDeveloper.json with the parameter


For all future installation all we have to do is changing the $rootPath  parameters in the *.ps1 file to install Sitecore in a custom location.

Categories: Sitecore 9 Tags:

Running Sitecore 9 Field Editor from a Command in Sitecore 9 Experience editor

20/11/2017 Leave a comment

So I’ve have a post about this topics for the last couple of Sitecore Versions so of course it would make sense to have one for Sitecore 9 as well.
Start by navigating to ” /sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Ribbons/WebEdit/Page Editor” in the core database. From here you can duplicate one of the existing chunk or you can create a new one.



Under your chunk create a new Button for this example I’ve used a “Sprite Large Button”. On the button you can set tootltip and a title for the button. As a field to supply the which Fields is being edited I’m using the id, with the FieldName-Fieldname-Fieldname– I’m using the “-” as a seperated between fields, and “–” to end fieldname section. See image below




In the Sprite section of the button you define the image to be shown in the experience editor.



Now on the presentation details for the Button



There are two important section on is the event section which holds what command is triggered



The other one the path to your script file



With Sitecore setting part in place.
You can now add the following javascript for convenience if just added the launchfielditor javascript to the root of the site

define(["sitecore", "/-/speak/v1/ExperienceEditor/ExperienceEditor.js",
, "/-/speak/v1/ExperienceEditor/ExperienceEditorProxy.js"],

function (Sitecore, ExperienceEditor, ExperienceEditorContext,ExperienceEditorProxy) {
Sitecore.Commands.LaunchFieldEditor =
canExecute: function (context) {
return true;
execute: function (context) {
var rawString =;

var fields = rawString.substring(0,rawString.indexOf("--"))

var fieldsString =fields.replace(new RegExp("-","g"), "|");

var itemId = context.currentContext.itemId.replace("%7b","{").replace("%7d","}")

ExperienceEditorProxy._pe().postRequest('webedit:fieldeditor(command='+itemId+',fields='+fieldsString+',id='+itemId+')', null,false)



And the outcome of the above can be seen here



Only thing not happening is out save when the editor closes. But I hope to get that part in place soon.

Categories: Javascript, Sitecore 9 Tags: