Home > C#, Javascript, Sitecore, Sitecore 8 > Running Sitecore Field Editor from a Speak Command in Sitecore Experience editor

Running Sitecore Field Editor from a Speak Command in Sitecore Experience editor

This post is an update of an old post https://blog.istern.dk/2012/05/21/running-sitecore-field-editor-from-a-command/ . Sitecore 8 brought along speak and deprecated the old solution presented in that blog post. So let’s speakify it and create a  new solution. Luckily Alister Berry provided an excellent blog post about creating simple custom ribbon in the experience editor http://www.programmingbynumbers.com/2015/01/31/creating-a-new-experience-editor-button-in-sitecore-8/ – So go read the post a comeback when your are done J.  For the rest of this post the button or functionality, if you like, will be to edit the HTML metatags ie. Title, meta-description, meta-keywords.

So let us begin with creating the button. Start Visual Studio launch the Sitecore Rocks and go to the Core database and navigated to “/sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Ribbons/WebEdit/Page Editor” under the item create a new folder and the the newly created folder add a new Large button Fille out the fields as shown below.








So next step is to and a layout to the new button select the button and choose “Design layout” in Sitecore Rocks – shortcut “ctrl + u”, and choose and a new rendering “Large Button”









Next lets add the properties required for the solution to work

The properties are Click is “trigger:button:click”, Command “LaunchFieldEditor”, PageCodeScriptFileName : “PATH TO THE JS FILE WE CREATE NEXT”







Okay now we need to create PageCodeScriptFile:

define(["sitecore"], function (Sitecore) {

Sitecore.Commands.LaunchFieldEditor =
canExecute: function (context) {
return true;
execute: function (context) {

context.currentContext.argument = context.button.viewModel.$el[0].firstChild.alt;

context.currentContext.argument = context.button.viewModel.$el[0].title;

Sitecore.ExperienceEditor.PipelinesUtil.generateRequestProcessor("ExperienceEditor.GenerateFieldEditorUrl", function (response) {
var DialogUrl = response.responseValue.value;
var dialogFeatures = "dialogHeight: 680px;dialogWidth: 520px;";
Sitecore.ExperienceEditor.Dialogs.showModalDialog(DialogUrl, '', dialogFeatures, null);


Rather simple file which calls some server side code.  Also note that the settings will be save to the item when the ok button is clicked right away not need to click the save button in the experience editor.

public class GenerateFieldEditorUrl : PipelineProcessorRequest<ItemContext>
public string GenerateUrl()
var fieldList = CreateFieldDescriptors(RequestContext.Argument);
var fieldeditorOption = new FieldEditorOptions(fieldList);
//Save item when ok button is pressed
fieldeditorOption.SaveItem = true;
return fieldeditorOption.ToUrlString().ToString();

private List<FieldDescriptor> CreateFieldDescriptors(string fields)
var fieldList = new List<FieldDescriptor>();
var fieldString = new ListString(fields);
foreach (string field in new ListString(fieldString))
fieldList.Add(new FieldDescriptor(this.RequestContext.Item, field));
return fieldList;

public override PipelineProcessorResponseValue ProcessRequest()
return new PipelineProcessorResponseValue
Value = GenerateUrl()

Now lyou should  register the Request processor open the this file “Sitecore.ExperienceEditor.Speak.Requests.config” found in App_config/include folder. And add the new processor.

<request name="ExperienceEditor.GenerateFieldEditorUrl" type="PT.Framework.SitecoreEditor.GenerateFieldEditorUrl, PT.Framework.SitecoreEditor"/>

Just before we see the result there a few things that are nice to know. Because the server side code actually does a bit more the just returning and url for fieldeditor.  The creation of the URL Handle also besides creating a URL to the fieldeditor is storing required parameters in the current session in the urlhand id. The fieldeditor then pickups on parameters by going in to the session with hdl-id see url below. Hdl=F60F9A3AB4DC4CC8A7E28D25C4EC13B8


Okay now to the tricky part we need to pass in which fields we want to edit to the server class GenerateFieldEditorUrl,  unfortunately the parameter part of the layout isn’t rendered out and can’t be used but there are som simple ways we can force the fieldnames out in the HTML.

First you can edit the button item and set in the fieldnames in n the tool tips section




Alternatively you can set it in layout details page under tooltips, Be advised that if you choose this, editor will see the fieldname in the editors.





See the two different models below. The javascript in this post include selector for both option see comments in the js file






And now to the final result




So thats how you laucnh the field editor with a speak modal dialog, in the sitecore experience editor.



A problem with the two selector presented above is that they both requires you to add the fields to all language versions of the button item. So one of collegues Stephan Rifbjeg came up with a smart solution, simply to add the fields to the acceskey field on the layout see image below.


You can now get the value out with the following selector

context.currentContext.argument = context.button.viewModel.$el[0].accessKey;

Update from  kayeenl to catch the GenerateFieldURI

public class GenerateFieldEditorUrl : PipelineProcessorRequest<ItemContext>
public string GenerateUrl()
var fieldList = CreateFieldDescriptors(RequestContext.Argument);
var fieldeditorOption = new FieldEditorOptions(fieldList);
//Save item when ok button is pressed
fieldeditorOption.SaveItem = true;
return fieldeditorOption.ToUrlString().ToString();
}<span class="para_break"><i class="copy_only">
</i></span>       private List<FieldDescriptor> CreateFieldDescriptors(string fields)
var fieldList = new List<FieldDescriptor>();
var fieldString = new ListString(fields);
foreach (var field in new ListString(fieldString))
var descriptor = new FieldDescriptor(RequestContext.Item, field);
catch (Exception)
Log.Error(string.Format("Cannot create field editor for field '{0}'. Please configure the fields on the tooltip of the button", field), this);
return fieldList;
}<span class="para_break"><i class="copy_only">
</i></span>       public override PipelineProcessorResponseValue ProcessRequest()
return new PipelineProcessorResponseValue
Value = GenerateUrl()

  1. Anna G
    20/03/2015 at 13:07

    Wow, it’s a kind of magic! I updated Ribbon buttons following your instructions, thanks a lot for this post.

  2. 25/03/2015 at 05:27

    Thanks for the update, been looking for a way to do this on Sitecore 8

  3. 12/12/2015 at 23:12

    In Sitecore 8.1 I got an Javascript error: Sitecore.ExperienceEditor.PipelinesUtil.generateRequestProcessor is undefined 😦 I tried to debug this but it seems they moved a lot. Do you have any suggestions?

    Best regards Dirk

  4. dkb
    06/03/2017 at 19:39

    I used the method above, but our security scan (Fortify) is marking this a Critical Open Redirect vulnerability because we are using the response to generate the URL. The only way I see around this is to hardcode the hdl value in the javascript for each button. 😦 Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!

    • 06/03/2017 at 19:47

      Hmm it also like that other Windows are opened in the speak editor do you have any other case or buttons “native” inside the editor not working? Don’t know why it should complain it is a popup in the same domain as the click event.

      • dkb
        06/03/2017 at 20:02

        The native buttons are not being flagged. So, I’m not sure why this is different. Thanks for replying.

      • 06/03/2017 at 20:06

        Hmm that’s odd running in http or https ?

  5. dkb
    06/03/2017 at 20:22

    http locally. I’m guessing the native buttons don’t have to go back to the server to get the response value?

    • 06/03/2017 at 21:53

      You can look at the request going back and forth. How about an edit frame button that does the same more or less with. I’m calling the server to set the hdl in the session so there has to be somewhere it is calling the server.

  1. 13/03/2015 at 03:43
  2. 15/04/2015 at 06:26
  3. 14/12/2015 at 09:01
  4. 23/09/2021 at 20:24

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